If you are reading this and are like me, you understand how annoying it can be to get replacement license plates. Having gone to the trouble of getting, registering and insuring your car, you more likely than not just want to enjoy the car without nagging worries. The process of getting replacement license plates too can be irritating – forced to stay on hold and wait in long lines. Ideally, in the ever-advancing terrain of e-commerce technology, you could just submit a request for new license plates, upload and verify the relevant documentation and wait for a digital confirmation. In 2020, there should be no reason one can’t handle his or her automobile registration from the couch.
Unfortunately, technology has not quite caught up with the auto tags industry. And this is for good reason: automobile registration information is actually quite sensitive, and to make it secure on a mobile or web application would require significant investment from a company into fraud and theft protection software. The reality is, the DMV as well as most auto tag agencies don’t have the money or incentive to spend on improving access to replacement license plates or EZ passes in PA. In theory, both public and private agencies could hire web developers to create an app partnered with state governments to assist in automatically renewing a license, registration or plate. In fact big, national automobile agencies like AAA do have online and mobile apps, though without the capability to renew sensitive documents (anything you would need a notary public for) online. Being able to access these services from home would greatly contribute to reducing societal stress over paperwork, especially during the pandemic.
The Problems With Auto Tag Agencies Moving Online
So if it were so beneficial for the automobile industry to move online, why haven’t they done so fully yet? Why do all of us still need to wait in line at the DMV?
The first answer is practical. If all auto tag businesses moved online, then many hardworking professionals who have spent years, even decades in the auto tag industry might become phased out. The goal is not for technology to usurp the necessity of physical workers. Such steps might actually make the economy implode.
The second answer has to do with privacy. If all of the information you need to register your car, including your driver’s license number, social security number, date of birth etc., gets leaked online, companies could face major cyber security crises. The only way to ensure the security of clients’ data would be to customize a software capable of doing so. While feasible, you would have to spend a bit of money and partner with the right mobile app or web app developer to make your platform secure.
It wouldn’t make much sense for example to try and get replacement license plates installed through an online process. Unless you have high-tech welding equipment, even if you received your license plate in the mail, you would not be able to install your license plate outside of shoddy means.
However, the process of getting an EZ Pass in PA can arguably be done fully online. If you can download the necessary forms and fill them out securly , why shouldn’t you be able to receive an EZ Pass transponder in the mail?